




Check our calendar of events for other opportunities at the Center and Institute.



Whatever your background and experience, there is a good chance that an acquaintance with psychodynamic perspectives could add a valuable dimension to your professional and personal life. Our Fellowship program is designed to provide such an acquaintance for mental health professionals, educators, artists, attorneys, businesspeople, and more. We value the cross-fertilization that occurs in discussions among people from varied backgrounds. We especially welcome early-career professionals (including graduate students) for whom an exposure to psychodynamic ideas could play a role in shaping their futures.


The Fellowship consists of monthly seminars through the academic year (September-May). They include discussions of human development, common psychological and interpersonal problems, professional ethics, and issues that arise in the professional activities of the Fellows themselves. The Seminar is led by Jeff Bennett, Ph.D., a faculty member of the Greater Kansas City Psychoanalytic Institute. If you develop a particular interest growing out of the Fellowship, the faculty will help you find appropriate resources.


Time:  10:00 A.M. to 12:00 P.M., second Saturday of the month from September through May.


Place:   TBD in person.


Cost:  The application fee is $25. If you are selected to join the Fellowship group, you will need to become a member of the Greater Kansas City-Topeka Psychoanalytic Center, at the student rate of $75. With your membership, you will be provided with a yearlong subscription to PEP-Web, the psychoanalytic electronic publishing database, as well as free CEUs/CMEs at our Monday night seminars. There are no additional fees, although from time to time there may be recommendations for reading materials, programs, etc., that would involve additional cost.


If you apply and are not selected for the upcoming year’s Fellowship, you may apply in the future and the application fee will be waived.  To receive an email notification when the application period opens, contact our administrator, Sheryl Poague, at  administrator@gkcpsa.org


You may also contact Dr. Bennett at jsbnntt@gmail.com if you have questions or would like to know more about the program!